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kitler53 said:
wow, there has been a ton of threads about head tracking lately.

well, despite Johnny Lee making it a popular topic, head tracking has been around in one way or another for a long time. Here are 4 patents on head tracking i found in a few minutes of looking. note that these patents go back into the 1990's and none of them are patented by Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft.

in the end, it's not a technology that's going to limit the implementation of this technology into's going to be which company has the biggest balls to take a risk bringing this technology to market. I'd guess either nintendo or sony.

 Nintendo has huge balls, they brought the Wii and DS to the market with radical control schemes. Nintendo also has the most expendable income with all the money they have made on their risky investments.

I fully expect Nintendo to be the first with this technology too, I mean every risk they have taken has turned into a money machine. They're definately more likely to put their money into this.