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This is a tough question for me.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: NV are two of my favorite games ever (on PC). I've logged so many hours on them and I have soo many mods in place that there is always something new to play with.

However, that being said, the bugs are deplorable. I can't even shut NV down normally without it crashing, I have to use the task manager. New Vegas is an awesome game (and Old World Blues the best DLC I've ever played) but they made absolutely ZERO effort to fix the bugs from Fallout 3. None. People were having the same exact issues. That's really sad.

Then there is the timed exclusive DLC crap. They're basically telling the majority of their customers to go screw themselves because Microsoft's money is more important. After I beat it the first time, I was really pumped for the DLC, but that exclusive garbage move killed my enthusiasm. I only bought it because it was all on sale on Steam for like $2 each.

I guess I love them and hate them both. However, I have made the decision that I will buy nothing of theirs at full retail price, especially time exclusive DLC. That's why I'm waiting for Skyrim to hit $10.