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Mr Khan said:
TheShape31 said:
Mr Khan said:
TheShape31 said:
A shade better than last gen. Sounds like another 3-year system from Nintendo. Beyond that, the hardware won't be competent to keep up with the various demands of next-gen gaming. Just like the Wii it'll be fun for a bit, but then it'll be time to move onto a more capable system.

a 3-year system? What does that mean?

The hardware within the Wii was relevent for about 3 years before the games started to look comparatively embarrassing to the competition's.  The same thing is likely to happen in the way of the Wii U.  It will be behind the curve beyond its first 3 years, and sales will likely drop off as they did with its predecessor.  The Wii U will be seen a few years from now as a previous gen machine with a next gen peripheral, just like the Wii has been for the past few years.

3rd parties never cared, whereas Nintendo stopped caring after 2010 (or earlier depending on the school of thought you subscribe to) which is the source of the drop in sales, not because of the tech.

I don't know, I seem to think that NIntendo put all their focus on other things once they realized that consumer demand had dropped off.  Sort of a "well, nothing we can do about this, time to move on", and their focus went strictly to Wii U and 3DS.  Even with major Nintendo games that came out within the last few years, sales dropped off regardless.  I just get this gut feeling that with the same philosophies being put into their next console that the same thing will happen.