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pezus said:
FrancisNobleman said:
pezus said:

Why is everything in italics? Fixed

Underlined: Enlighten us, since I assume you're more than the ignorant fools you speak of and it would be easy for you to tell us how

Bold: Quitting their gaming business is among the last things Sony would do. 400 dollars in 2013/early 2014 will be more than enough though, since Nintendo have to factor in the expensive tablets to their price (and it will most likely launch at $299). Sony don't have to worry about Blu-Ray anymore, or the expensive development of the Cell. If they just stick to their guns and get a powerful CPU+GPU in there that are easy to develop on, they will have their success.

You see, 3rd parties are clearly not moving over to Nintendo, so we have to assume they are waiting for PS4+720 and I'd bet my behind that MS would not want to have Nintendo as the direct competitor. They are in this for Sony.

I thought Italics was an error of my browser...

Underlined: Simple, any company can make a console for like, 1500$ and it will be superior to anything Microsoft and Sony put out at 400$. Even someone with a gaming rig that consists in any modern kepler GPU has no reason to downgrade to a X720 or PS4.

BOLD: Sony had massive losses with the PS3, PSP was left in the dust by third parties some good years ago. I don't need to mention PSVita, I wonder if they will ever recover from that one, and now they will repeat this with PS4?


I don't think so. The next most powerful console I dare to say is Microsoft. But like I said, nothing that touches a modern gaming rig.

Between the 2 routes, which one is Sony taking ?? And bear in mind that they might be doing their own take on the Wii U Gamepad, and if so, I'm expecting a console just as the same as the Wii U.

Underlined: You said any ignorant fool could make a console more powerful console than modern PCs. That is what I am questioning you about. Then you contradict yourself by saying "nothing that can touch a modern gaming rig".

So what do you think Sony will do? They can't just release an underpowered console. There has to be a gimmick that catches on or massive first party games for that to happen. 

I expect them to go the same route as the Vita. Powerful machine at an affordable price tag. Obviously more powerful than the WiiU, not enough for an Wii-PS3 situation though.