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2K and Gearbox have promised four add-on DLC packs for Borderlands 2, post-launch. There aren't any specific dates, but they'll all be out by June 2013, apparently.

"These four add-on content campaigns will each feature several hours of gameplay and introduce new adventures, allies, enemies and environments," the 2K press release promised.

Each DLC pack will cost $9.99 on PC and PS3 (no £ or € available yet), and 800 Microsoft Points (£6.80) on Xbox 360.

2K will also offer the option of buying the four DLC add-ons in bulk with a Season Pass. This costs $29.99 on PC and PS3, and 2400 Microsoft Points (£20.40) on Xbox 360.

Buying all four DLC packs without the Season Pass would cost $39.96 on PC and PS3, or 3200 Microsoft Points (£27.41).


Borderlands 1 DLCs were quite good, so if you plan to buy the game at launch, that Season Pass is not a bad deal.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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