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You are still wrong. Final Fantasy III sold more than Final Fantasy IV.
And we were also talking about Japan, where the top 3, in order, are VII, VIII, THEN X. It did sell better than IX, but it is stupid to ignore VIII.

Super Smash Brothers sales are impressive. Selling 1 million in the first week to a 5 million base is a 20% attach rate. Pretty damn impressive, especially since Smash is much stronger in America. Let's just say they keep this rate worldwide, which isn't a strech. There is 4 million right there, even if Wii doesn't sell any more copies. I predict over 40 million Wii's by the end of the year, so I think that it is possible to have 8 million Super Smash Brothers Brawl copies sold by the end of the year worldwide. That beats every Final Fantasy except for VII.