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freebs2 said:

Uncharted, GOW, Heavy Rain are undoubtebly cinematic games, where presentation and story-telling are a main factor.

Killzone2, the first presented Ps3 flagship title, while being a more "regular" FPS was presented like a cinematic experience too. During the e3 2005 presentation, the famous pre-rendered trailer had a huge impact on the media at the time. The video wasn't showing gameplay elements and wasn't showing online features, it was all about a cinematic experince. Even if later the game shaped out more like a Gears style FPS, it's main differentiation factor from competition was still presentation and graphics, as opposed to competitors like Halo or Gears were the main differentiation factor was online play.

Infamous, while it can't be described as a cinematic experience is still a game where story-telling plays an important part.

If you look at present time The Last Of Us, Beyond Two Souls, GOW IV are still cinematic experiences.

Now that doesn't mean SCE only makes cinematic games, but Imo their main focus on cinematic games is quite clear. They have their most talented studios making them, and the best engines, the best media coverage. At same time, different kind of games like Mod Nation or Playstation Move Heroes or Sorcery are made with small smaller budgets by less talented teams. In the past SCE used to have their best studios making also multiplayer arcade games, NaughtyDog made CTR. Now SCE is restructuring, and by doing so they're choosing to close down studios who aren't developing cinematic games if you look at it. Bigbig studio and Studio Liverpool, Japan studio is not closing down but it looks like they're restructuring it too. 

Gran Turismo doesn't really count I'm talking about the Ps3 era, GT is a legacy franchise, it's only logical SCE will continue to produce it and it will remain a flagship title. Nintendo's main focus with the wii was motion controls, yet they made a 2D Mario and that's the biggest Nintendo franchise while it doesn't fall into the motion control category.

alongside the cinematic experiences you mentioned there have always been non-cinematic experiences like motorstorm, lbp, warhawk, gran turismo etc that i'd say in most cases were pushed just as hard

you mentioned the killzone 2 trailer, well alongside that games like warhawk and resistance fom were also revealed

where only a trailer was shown for kilzone 2, a gameplay demo of warhawk demonstrating the six axis tilting was demonstrated


"their most talented studios making them"

imo thats subjecive


"the best engines"

as expected from cinematic games


"the best media coverage"
can't say i agree with that honestly

"Now SCE is restructuring, and by doing so they're choosing to close down studios who aren't developing cinematic games if you look at it."

and they have also bought media molecule and sucker punch and also opened superbot, all studios that so far have not made cinematic experiences


" Gran Turismo doesn't really count I'm talking about the Ps3 era, GT is a legacy franchise"

so were GoW and killzone which you mentioned before