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@Bristowe: lol yeah the thread kinda exploded..the firmware update, ps1 and the SCEA fuck up, All stars rumors, evil cole, limited edition info for persona and Ragnarok etc was behind it for the most part.

Oh and the reason why they didn't name the first reveal as good cole was so they can try and keep the evil cole a secret lol. Anywho I think they knew there could be some negative feedback hence they decided to just announce this guy out of the blue to get it done and over with before Pax

and if you guys didn't hear yet, we will see TWO new characters at PAX! Hoping for Nariko and Sir Dan

@Andre: yep...I agree. I wonder what happened there...activision and sony didn't handle it well at all

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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