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ikol said:
Since there is so much FF 8 love in here what do you guys like so much about it?

one word...


The single most awesome weapon every concieved EVERRRRR!!!!!

aaannnddd...some other things worth mentioning

1. huge world map

2. good story, sure it goes loop the loops and you really have to pay attention coz the way it was told was really hard to follow. but good story non the less

3. Battle system. classic jrpg battle system! awesome!

4. Enemy/boss level scalling. You dont have to grind here, if you decide to play straight the enemies and bosses' dificulty scales depending on your level. I once played through the entire game and reached the lass part in 10-15 hours. lol

5. Runa (was it runa? cant remember) but the main chick is hot!


Some things to hate