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Don't be an asshole. I'm not telling you to not be yourself, but I am telling you to not be totally brash and honest. That was a mistake I made my freshman year. Brash behavior works online and on forums, but it translates poorly when trying to make impressions on potential/would be friends. Save it til you made close friends and circles before you start being yourself. Being the know it all dick who likes to dispute and correct everything and everyone can be quite the buzz kill in friendly encounters.

I think Slimebeast said it best, this is a freshman year... a lot of high school graduates are going to seek new networks of friends. actively make friends when it counts.

@slimebeast, I was that loner student my freshman year in 2006. I was a pitiful sight. I left to Milwaukee and Chicago the following 3 years for work leaving school behind before I finally decided to go back to school in 2009. That's when I made all my adjustments, that's when I buried my social awkwardness behind.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson