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Soriku said:

I just realized...why do no colleges have videogame clubs? Penn State doesn't have one and I've never actually heard of one. This is really strange because you'd think video games are such a big thing now that it should be a given that there's a club since there's even a legitimate anime club.

I ought to try to start one if I can, lol. The only thing holding me back is providing stuff since I don't have a TV to provide or extra gaming systems and I wouldn't wanna bring my stuff at home in. But at the same time, I feel like I could get a crapload of people to join and create ripples since, c'mon, it's videogames. It would be a cool time for everyone to play some games if it's a big hobby to them the way games are to me and would count as being part of something and you could definitely make some friends.

I think it would be cool if there'd me meetings/discussion about the state of the industry as it is, some news, and then let people play games. Perhaps every meeting we'd play a different game in a different genre? Or if people like a game a lot, we'd stick with it for a while? And even let people play whatever they want on the side. Would be more convenient if they had handhelds though. Just sit at a chair/couch and play and there'd be more room.

If I actually started one I feel like I could get really ahead...

Edit: Well I found this regarding Penn State but I never saw it for the list of clubs that I got at orientation.

Maybe it's a main campus thing? IDK. But it doesn't seem very popular. And there's been no updates since March...hopefully it hasn't been disbanded lol. Would definitely join. I could still see about starting one at this campus though.

I'm not certain if they have a specific club for it, but St Cloud State where I go to I know will occasionally have posters up for things such as video game tournaments, and I know that every wednesday (whether or not it was an official club I don't know) a bunch of kids got together in the basement of Atwood (Atwood is sort of a sweet chill out place) to play games together.  So odds are likely if you are interested in something such as that, you will be very well aware that it is happening.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.