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".... the hardcore fanboy contingent are probably frothing about the knees with incensed rage at this moment following news that Devil May Cry 4 will arrive on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with a resolution of just 1024 x 640p - GASP!"

The resolution was lowered so that the framerun could run smoothly. So does that mean that both consoles had problems with running the game smoothly??


Don't kill his cat!!!  The original Press Release quoted turned out to be fake.

"Apparently this PR has turned out to be fake. Although I can’t google up confirmation of DMC4 being full 1080p - rather 720p with 2x AA OR 640p with 2x AA. But still, we have to wait for the pixel counting crowd.

So for gods sake, stop threatening to kill my cat."


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)