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If some of you guys typed in the links some of your questions would have been answered -_-.

On the Point about sony and retail. Sony gets the same amount taken from there games as everyone as from gamestop/bestbuy/ and others. Just because your sony doesn't mean OH yea you are treated better.

BluRay disc which most Ps3 games use for extra storage and I believe Uncharted uses from everything I seen and heard. That cost about 3 dollars compared to normal CD which cost about .03. Again LOOK UP A LINK WHEN IT"S PUT UP. Sony still has the to pay the same as everyone else as they cost the same to everyone.

Licensing doesn't deal with 3rd party only. It deals with famous voice actors/ or really well paided which I believe didn't have any but I would have to look that up . But if not it's cost nothing!

Distributors cost money.

Outsources percent.

Art/Design cost I would suggest you look up as to how it works because I tried explaining before but people had to look up and then they understood. I believe EPIC or EA talked about it. The money doesn't go directly to them. From what I remember it goes directly to fund that area and the retail and whats leftover goes directly to the company. Again look it up for more exact break down. To add I remember reading that the people still get paid after too for certain things but management mostly.

We are looking at 12 retail(at best) + leftovers which can be up 6-7(best).

@AvaBane guy
What I'm saying is at retail best 12 dollars I thought you were saying they get 30 dollars from retail itself which people often confuse.

Btw marketing lowest is about 4 dollars. Like the author said actvision is one that is usually a higher more costly. Probably 6-8.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max