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Kasz216 said:

I mean, I don't get what your point is, to keep bringing up extreme versions of american law that are more serious crimes, and got less serious jail time.

Vandalism is by no means a serious crime, and yes, yet another swastika guy in the US got quite a lot for this kind of crime. Criminal Code of RF has this for vandalism:

...наказывается штрафом в размере до сорока тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до трех месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до трехсот шестидесяти часов, либо исправительными работами на срок до одного года, либо арестом на срок до трех месяцев.

Up to $1300 charge, work up to 360 hours or sentence up to 3 months. So yeah, that's a LOT by our standards.

Girls got their 2 years out of 7 possible years as it stated in article 214, p.2 of Criminal Code. Granted they were prosecuted in hooliganism, not vandalism, meaning it's more serious shit. Though in old 1960 RSFSR code all of them would have been prosecuted in hooliganism (no vandalism article at the time) with max sentence up to 1 year (yeah, modern editions are far more severe than Soviet ones, which pretty much obvious by how prison population went up, nothing comparable to American heights though, lol).

So you're asking why US legal system is a mess? Probably because you got stupid precedent law out there. Here:

Blue = normal countries
Orange = somewhat normal countries
Red  = lawyer's paradise, f***ing mess for everyone else :D

Been lurking over the web and found continuation of month-old story, how could I have forgotten about this? Brilliant examples of American patriots in comments there, they're wondering why it's such a mess, too :D


//As for the my point, I don't have any. That's what I should have asked you, since that's YOU who started stupid discusssion, I just having fun :D But again it doesn't seem anyone here's making any point, since nobody is discussing the actual topic, which's annoying and boring (silly me, what'd you expect from gaming forum?).