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Another article by an angry hardcore gamer who hates minigames? These are getting really tiresome. -_-

The games that sell the best are the ones that appeal to the largest amount of people. I think Roguelikes and everything by Paradox Interactive are the best games ever and a lot of people agree with me, but do they sell the most? No, and I bet it has a lot to do with how it takes hours to learn how to play them, and they aren't exactly rewarding unless you put loads of time into them.

Even thought there's a lot of deep content in games like Halo, Gran Turismo, and Grand Theft Auto, just about anyone can pick up a controller and know pretty much what to do. That kind of stuff made the Playstations big, but unfortunately Sony completely forgot that with their latest console.

License games about movies, wrestling etc suck and people buy them, but such is life. Complaining about them is like saying "I hate the nazis because they are evil". I'm not entirely sure what I meant by that last sentence. =/