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@forevercloud you cannot prove that quality suffered because of a game going MP, show me sources that say otherwise and we can talk. People were mad cause the quality sucked not cause it went MP and you cant prove it going MP caused the games to be bad, unless you have some Quantum Leap machine and you can go into an alternate universe where the games you mentioned were exclusive.

I see your Skyrim and raise you a Batman, Street Fighter, COD, Mvs.C3, GTA, JC2, etc. all games that are pretty much the same across their consoles. I love PS3 but the reason why the early games ran so crap because SOny decided to make some weird console that many complained it was difficult to work with, that has nothing to do with 360, which MS stuck to a more PC setup. Fact of the matter is there are more multiplat games that run the same than ones that run worse on PS3.

You do know Demon Souls has been out longer than Dark Souls right? THe fact that the sequel sold just as much in a shorter amount of time kinda proves you wrong.

We'll never get back to a PS2 era domination, not even WIi managed that. SO i would kill that dream right now, because 3rd parties wont allow it. Probably for some of the same reasons you mentioned