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Pavolink said:

@pavolink, hope this helps u out.

Thanks, but that's FFIV guide!

Anyway, I'm trying not using a guide. BTW, after this game I'm interested now in FF series. This is the first mainline FF I have ever played, before it was Crystal Chronicles on the Cube (and I like that) and the one on the Wii (liked, but not like the first one).

What FF games do you recomend me to play and on what system? I'm interested in FFVII.

If your interested in FFVII then play it, Its one of the most hyped RPGs of all time and IMO its deserves all the praise it gets!

If you have a PSvita then i'd get it for that system once it becomes available very soon. If not then id go for PSP, the screen maybe small but the visuals IMO look sharper than on the bigscreen of a TV.

I like all the Final Fantasy games ive played but the nones that stand out for me are, IV, VII, X, XII, XIII, XIII-2

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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