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nen-suer said:
Aerys said:

Hello, Good News everyone ! :

Like Japan, Europe will have the box version of New Little King Story and this going to be on Vita the 27 September !! :)

Aerys said:

I forgot a thing about New Little King Story !

There will be a multiplayer cooperation mode in this sequel!!

So impatient ! :)

The year end belong to Vita with so many hits , Little Big Planet, Ragnarok Odysssey, New Little King Story, Assassin's Creed LIberation, Playstation battle Royale, Persona 4, and i'm sure i forgot a few!... this going to be very painful for my bank !


 Final someone excited about LKS besides me ^_^

Thanks for all the info.  Looks like I'll be getting LKS & LBP for the Vita this September.

Nice surprise that LKS will feature a Multiplayer mode! Dude Add me on PSN so we can play together when LKS is released.


psn: Lucifer_Kuroro




NLKS is high up on my want list too. Can't wait for September! Not long to go now. Just hope my wallet can handle it!


Loved the first one on Wii. More of the same will suit me fine! Multiplayer is an epic added bonus!

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.