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pezus said:
twesterm said:
I read this a few days ago and I only made my way through maybe half of it because it was just your typical Kotaku/Gawker bitchfest lazy article.

He had legitimate gripes but they weren't really specific to gaming, the article appeared to be just about UI and organization. He might have gotten to why it was bad later for gamers specifically, but that didn't seem to be what the article was about. He mainly just wanted an attention grabbing headline.

And these two things stood out to me--
1) He's talking about things not made for Windows 8 and not optimized for it. Of course there's going to be some funnyness.

He talks about how this is bad for gamers, like the split nature and that you have to go through loops to run most gaming programs but Microsoft's own.

1) When will they be made for it and optimized? Pretty much everything worked on 7 right out of the gate

2) "The thing about the Xbox Live setup, though, is that it's designed for use primarily with a controller, and mainly from across the room. Xbox games are, by nature, full screen and don't have window functions on them. The dashboard is also very horizontally oriented. The end result?" and "The thing about the Xbox Live setup, though, is that it's designed for use primarily with a controller, and mainly from across the room. Xbox games are, by nature, full screen and don't have window functions on them. The dashboard is also very horizontally oriented. The end result?"

He said it was confusing to see Live friends playing Xbox games when really he had no benefit in knowing that.

Windows 8 is a completely different operating system than Windows 7.  It's not just the next step up, it's an entirely different thing.  They're similar enough so that they can at least work, but different enough so there are going to be quirks.  That is simply what you get when you make a huge step like that.  I'm not trying to say their UI and the way it's organized is perfect, it's not, just that it's new.  It's going to take time to get really good.

And I still don't see what's so confusing about seeing that someone is in fact playing on Xbox Live and knowing you can't join them.  You're just seeing what your friends are doing.  Being confused by that is the same as sitting at home browsing Facebook, seeing someone post they're having a nice cup of cofee at a cafe, and then saying "well why can't I have a nice cup of cofee right now too!?  Facebook is horrible!"