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Michael-5 said:
gumby_trucker said:

If you do mod your Wii and unlock it, you have to play Zangeki no Reginleiv.

you have to

I looked into that game after looking at your now playing games and to be honest, I'm not interest. :P

Fair enough, no accounting for taste and admittedly the game is quite eccentric and far from perfect on a technical level. I would call it a 'Must Rent' had it been localized, since the only way to know if it's for you is to experience it yourself. Either that or play one of Sandlot's other games such as EDF on 360.

Thanks for taking the time to look into it, though. Much appreciated.

curl-6 said:
Mr Khan said:

A fellow Reginleiver, eh?

Yup, that was a nice game. I kinda understand why NoA and NoE passed on it (hideous slowdown and lol physics), but there was nothing quite so satisfying as blowing a frost giant's arms off from 500 meters away and watching his limbless torso flop to the ground.

Aside from that dickfucking giant airship, anyway, it was a fun game.

I've been flip-flopping over whether to get this game. Is there variety in it, and just how bad IS the slowdown? Is it unplayable?

There is more variety than I had originally believed just going by videos on Youtube. The slowdown can get rediculous but only during a small percent of the time. Most of the time it's manageable. 

Still, this is a Sandlot game, so being familiar with their work is the best way to know what to expect. If you can rent EDF 2017 on any of the platforms it is available on, that would give you the best indication of why this is fun. Looking at videos really doesn't do it justice.

The thing about this game (and I'd assume this is true for EDF) is I keep telling myself I shouldn't be enjoying it, there are just too many elements that seem unpolished, at times even sub-par, and should be stealing away my focus. Yet somehow that never happens, the fun conquers all and it just keeps drawing me back in.

I was able to acquire a copy for $50 including shipping, at a time when I didn't buy many games for full price. I'm a sucker for craziness, especially of the Japanese variety, so the combination of novelty, prestige and fun has definitely made it worth it for me.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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