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Squilliam said:
SaviorX said:
Squilliam said:
Nintendo haven't exactly handled the launch particularly well. We don't know the price or really even a concrete release date so it is hard for supporters to really get into it.

On the other hand if you already own a PS3/Xbox 360 what does the Wii U bring to the table? It brings a tablet controller and that is about it. I believe people want more than a retread of what they already own, many people are more than ready for a next generation and what is the Wii U except a retread of the existing one?


I feel like if you switch 360 and Wii around, this situation is the exact same thing as Move & Kinect. 

The tablet is another new method of control. I'm not really sure what else they could have done instead.

What does the Wii U offer someone whom already has an Xbox 360?

Well, the obvious answer is the WiiU Gamepad.  Never before has the touchscreen interface, asymmetrical gameplay or streaming ability that Nintendo is championing been done with a home console before.

The other big reason is the games; not the multiplats, there I agree, but specifically Nintendo's games with up-to-date HD graphics.  Obviously I'm not talking about people who don't like Nintendo games, but the simple fact is that the mass gamers (i.e not the enthusiasts) are quite happy with the visual fidelity we're at now with the HD consoles.  My point being that many people are likely to see more justification in upgrading Nintendo's console for their Zelda and Mario to be at the "current" level than they would be in upgrading Xbox or Playstation to "even prettier" levels when they're already happy with how their Halo or God of War look.