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darkknightkryta said:

Metal Gear Solid 2 was ported to PC and Xbox.  Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, yes.  Devil May Cry didn't move hardware.  Tekken might have.  Devil May Cry and Tekken aren't big franchises anymore.  Square games were exclusive most likely because Sony had to bail them when the movie bankrupted them.  GTA had a time exclusive deal with Sony because Sony paid quite a bit of money for time exclusivity.  Doesn't change the fact that you could have gotten them on PC day and date.  And I don't know of any game other than RE4 that was PS2/GC exclusive, and that's a different story.  The PS2 sold what it did soley due to hype, nothing more.  Doesn't change the fact that the majority of the games could be played on the X-Box.

That is one of the most ignorant comments I've seen in a while. PS2 and Xbox cannot even compare. You like Xbox? Great, but believe me the PS2 did so much right and had a software lineup which is unrivaled. I think it had more exclusive titles, than combined releases on GameCube or Xbox and most of their title were cross format. All systems combined (inc handhelds) this generation can't even come close to touching the quality and sheer diversity of the software lineup on PS2.

You know the funniest thing about my response? I'm actually a Dreamcast fanboy and am still gutted the PS2 crushed it! But facts are facts. The PS2 was untouchable and got almost everything right. Trying to take that away from Sony is just plain denial.

You're right about the North American aspect, but this is the big thing. Xbox has failed to find much success outside the US (barring the UK) and last generation, Eastern games were by far the more influential and popular worldwide. There has been a big transition this generation to western developed games which has given the Xbox 360 a big boost. Microsoft also ensured a lot of exclusivity this time around as well earlier in the 360's lifecycle though which has levelled the playing fields. The interesting aspect again though is, outside North America and the UK, for the most part, the PlayStation 3 is still the more successful system despite all of it's issues.

I understand Sony didn't pay as much for exclusivity last gen as you would think. The userbase they had pretty much secured the exclusivity. That is the main thing they have now lost is this good faith due to a massive userbase. They started to take it for granted, especially with the PS3 and are currently paying the price big time. Unfortunately, that is now extending to Vita which makes me sad because Vita is the best handheld I've ever owned and currently my system of choice.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.