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Most of the time its because they lose ammo for their console war.

But other times, its deals more with consistency, I think. For example, games like God of War or Uncharted 'feel' a lot more like Playstation than games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. It's hard to explain, but I typically prefer my games to be exclusives also, however, I won't get upset if a game foes multiplat. But if I'm playing an exclusive like Uncharted, I feel like my overall experience consists entirely of Playstayion components. The hardware, the UI, and to top it off, the game all feel consistently intertwined into one cohesive unit. In my mind, I associate a Playstation exclusive with Playstation, so when I play it, I guess I make some subconscious connection with the hardware & the game. I can't do the same with multiplatform games. Yeah, I know that sounds irrational, but that's how my brain works. I really don't think it has anything to do with optimizing the hardware because I feel the same with technically weak exclusives.

I feel the same with other consoles. Mass Effect, when it was exclusive, used to create a very strong connection with Xbox in my mind. If someone said Mass Effect, the first thing I would think of would be 'Xbox' and vice-versa. But when it went multiplat, that connection deteriorated. I don't know why. I no longer grouped Mass Effect with the special group of games that I associated with Xbox. It just entered the pool of countless other games that I don't associate with anything, subconsciously of course. Same with Demon's Souls versus Dark Souls. If both games were exactly the same, I would prefer Demon's Souls simply because it was exclusive.

Exclusives feel like they're apart if some small, special group that identify with certain consoles. While this may not be true, it feels like that in my mind