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darkknightkryta said:

Metal Gear Solid 2 was ported to PC and Xbox.  Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, yes.  Devil May Cry didn't move hardware.  Tekken might have.  Devil May Cry and Tekken aren't big franchises anymore.  Square games were exclusive most likely because Sony had to bail them when the movie bankrupted them.  GTA had a time exclusive deal with Sony because Sony paid quite a bit of money for time exclusivity.  Doesn't change the fact that you could have gotten them on PC day and date.  And I don't know of any game other than RE4 that was PS2/GC exclusive, and that's a different story.  The PS2 sold what it did soley due to hype, nothing more.  Doesn't change the fact that the majority of the games could be played on the X-Box.

Okay.  So much to say about this post.  Firstly, were you actually gaming during the PS2 era? Just wonderin'.

PS2 sold on hype definitely, I never said any otherwise.  That doesn't change the fact that it got the exclusives and kept them for a reasonable enough amount of time that it mattered to the sales of the console.

@ the bolded parts, that's exactly my point.  Metal Gear Solid 2 was ported to the Xbox.  It was out on PS2 for a year before it came to Xbox, more than enough time for people to think 'Oh, I might as well get it for PS2'.  Same deal with GTA.  DMC & Tekken aren't big franchises anymore but they certainly were during the PS2 era and that's what we're talking about, we're not discussing the state they're in now (well, I'm not).

@ italics, you couldn't get them on PC the same day and date.  You had to wait 6 months+ for a PC version.  That was the whole point of Sony paying for timed exclusivity, that they would be exclusive to the PS2 for a time!

In terms of games that were PS2/GC exclusive:  Resident Evil 4, Code Veronica X, Viewtiful Joe, Crazy Taxi, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, stuff like that.  Then there's the list of PS2/Xbox exclusives like Star Wars Battlefront, Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid etc.  Like I'm saying, it just all added up in the PS2's favour.

Also, Sony didn't do anything to bail Square when their movie failed.  Enix bailed them.  That's why they're called "Square-Enix" these days.  Not quite sure where you got that piece of information from :l

Anyway, the point of all this?  The industry, at least in terms of home consoles, just doesn't seem to work like that any more.  There are so few games that come out for either the PS3 or 360 and then get ported to the other system, they just seem to get developed for both and then come out at the same time.  There are some, sure - Bioshock comes to mind, Lost Planet was another.  They may have boosted the system in the short term, idk, but the way the consoles are aligned these days you wouldn't really see these kind of exclusivity deals any more (in my opinion).  And I think that's going to continue into the next generation.  There may be a timed exclusive here and there from third parties, but never with their biggest franchises like GTA or Metal Gear Solid got last generation.  Although Call of Duty may prove me wrong on that one if Activision stay chummy with Microsoft!

But we're getting off topic now.  In terms of how this affects Vita, the answer is probably 'not at all'.  The Vita's biggest weakness - and possibly its biggest strength - is that it probably won't be sharing cross-development with anything, except perhaps watered-down versions of console games.  Sony should be offering third-parties the chance to do things they wouldn't be able to on the 3DS, which they seem to be doing with Assassin's Creed for example, but how long this will last I have no idea.