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Dark Odin said:
HideoK said:
The first 3 months of next year is looking stacked though:

January - Devil May Cry
February - Bioshock Infinite, MGS: Revengeance, Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, Sly Cooper 4
March - Tomb Raider, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and God of War Ascension!

And my overall most wanted game is The Last of Us. I expect that to hit Fall 2013.

Yeah, 2013 will have a nice combo with these games... just the DMC (I´m on the team "i HATE this new dante") and sly cooper (played the first and second ones in the collection, just average games IMHO... really not excited even to play the third... but maybe the idea to play on vita is making me buy it). I think ninokuni will also be releasing in Q1 of 2013, and also is a must buy for me.

this year the only games that I´ll be buying day one are resident evil 6 for ps3 and persona 4 for vita. since that I don´t think FF X HD will make it... EVER.

It's weird we haven't heard much of anything about FFX HD in a good while now.

I forgot about Ni no Kuni, as that is another game I will definitely be buying at launch. I think that and Sly Cooper 4 will be the only ones I will be trying to buy at launch in Q1 of 2013, as I'll probably be almost broke after this holiday season.