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I don't really get the general sentiment in this thread. It seams that most of you (granted, I did not read all the comments carefully), came in here with a preconception, and jumped on the news presented in the OP as evidence that the preconception is true. Your conclusion? Russia is as bad as ever.
Your zealousness is amusing and concerning for me. Kind of what I feel for the religious ones.
Let's look at the facts:
1. 3 women commit a "crime". They are arrested and trialed and convicted. => Nothing out of the ordinary.
2. 3 women commit a "crime" in a church. They are arrested and trialled and convicted. => Still nothing our of the ordinary.
3. 3 women commit a "crime" in a church in Russia. They are arrested and trialled and convicted. => Russia hasn't changed. The church is mingled into the states affairs.
4. 3 women commit a "crime" in a church in Russia yelling slogans against Russia's current president. They are arrested and trialled and convicted. => Russia is hell. Putin is the devil and the church are his worshipers. (I exaggerated a bit).

I think it's funny and worrying. :/