Pavolink said:
They need to cut the price. But I can see them selling for 39.99 like the Controller Pro. BTW, I see confusion around the internet thinking this is the Fall Conference Iwata was talking. This is a event for North America and maybe COD will be the only announcement (or maybe nothing). Japan with Iwata is where the big bombs could be dropped, like last year. We'll see Japanese support for Wii U. Talking about that, Dragon Dogma and RE6 Wii U versions for 2013 would fit on the "will show games for 2013" and "will show japanese support" perfectly. |
I honestly don't see Nintendo selling the Wiimote plus for 40 $/€ until WiiU's launch and then dropping it to 20 $/€. They make more money from accessories than with consoles, and there will be people who will buy Wiis and aditional controllers.
About Iwata, I think that there will be some Nintendo Direct or other kind of event the day before or even earlier where price and lauch date will be given for Japan. I can't believe that they will announce those thing before for the USA than for Japan.
And since the Tokyo Game Show starts the 20th, they could reveal more japanese 3rd party games that people will be able to try at the show. Resident Evil 6 being one of them.
Please excuse my bad English.
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