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The thing is, Sony is commiting the same mistakes as with the PSP. They never learn...

When Rockstar announced the PS2 port of Liberty City Stories only months before releasing Vice City Stories on the PSP, their market changed, and it changed for worse. Every new game release was followed by a lot of people saying "I'll wait for the PS2 version". Sony supported this notion by porting Dark Mirror, Logan's Shadow, Ratchet & Clank, among others.

Then, it didn't matter the actual fate of the games. Crisis Core, Dissidia, Portable Ops weren't ported to PS2, but in people's mind they were about to be at some point, and that ultimately harmed Sony's business.

Now, I can understand why SEGA is releasing Project Diva also on PS3. SQUARE-ENIX decided to release FFX on both systems and I get it. But Sony... I can't understand what is Sony doing, and probably neither themselves.