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@mugen and everyone else whom i am friends with on this site. i wanted too let u all know that i am taking a month off from this site and will determine during that absence wether too return to the site. i know this is off-topic and i am sorry for doing that, i just wanted to let alot of the nice and cool users and friends i like whom post in this thread.
in anyone wants to keep in contact with me, message me on the psvita.

i hope u all have a nice night and enjoy all the great upcoming psvita releases. :)

I really hope everything is ok pal...make sure to keep in touch :(


@Euphoria: yeah I know..I am a bit annoyed by it as's gonna come out in a horribly busy time of the year, for game releases and also for me 




that's right...I'm annoyed so much I showcase it in Japanese!

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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