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mantlepiecek said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Chark said:
DirtyP2002 said:
The funny part is that the sony fans are the ones bein pissed that XBL is not free, while XBL users have no problem with it.

killerX said:

although i do enjoy xbox live, and i do think its every bit as good as psn, i still think it should be free. but i pay the fee because i pretty much have to in order to play the games i already bought. its a great service, but it should be free,

cool you found one. Gratz!

My point still stands for 95% of the users.

If you are in any denial that most people who use XBL Gold gladly pay for it, let me tell you are wrong straight away.

You are a rare group. Most people who pay for it don't like that fact, especially from my experience most people who pay for XBL just do it to unlock the online component. Otherwise they wouldn't care to subscribe.

The reason why it seems that most XBL "users" don't have a problem with it is because this site doesn't have many of them. The ones who are here are not the usual gamers at all. Either that or they don't understand what people mean when the others say that they don't find it worth $60.

Ultimately Xbox is popular in US where CoD is popular as well. And other online titles like battlefield and halo, and for all of these you need an online subscription, no wonder such a huge portion of the xbox community has those subscriptions. Those are the games for which the console is primarily purchased for.

Those are the games both consoles are purchased for, not just the 360. So if this would really be an issue for most gamers, they would buy the other console and the software for the other console. Yet, these titles sell better on Xbox 360.

My point is that the 360 sells extraordinary well in the countries, where online multiplayer gaming is big and it sells less in countries where singleplayer games still dominate. That makes zero sense if paying for XBL is an issue for the consumers.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...