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Legend11 said:
If you're going to take a stand on something you should always imagine you or a loved one in a particular situation that the stand is about.

In this case imagine that your mother or sister or daughter was raped. Would you be OK with them being forced to carry the child to term against their will by the government because of the moral or religious views of others?

Does this politician and others that share his views for example have more of a right to decide if your loved ones' pregnancy should continue even at the very beginning of pregnancy than your loved one does?

He believes that he has more of a right than your loved one in making the decision even though he doesn't have to take into consideration or even deal with the emotional and physical trauma of such a pregnancy.

Now that's a totally unfair position on his views.

This sentor believes (likely) that at conception, that life is a human life, because if not aborted it will grow into a baby and a human.  So therefore that child is a human.

So he IS thinking it from the view of the loved on in particular.  The baby.


I don't agree with him, but at the very least it's worth understanding where he is coming from.  He said something stupid enough that his argument doesn't need to be strawmaned to hell.