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wfz said:
sethnintendo said:
wfz said:
This can't be a real story, so it lost all cool points for me. It's not hard at all to take a shit with an erection. Sit back on the seat farther, lean forward, and hold your dongle downward. No, when you lean forward it doesn't magically make your butthole stick upwards and back to make you shit all over the seat.


Try and take a shit on an airplane and let me know how it goes.  Even with a softie I was unable to take a shit and pee at the same time.  The damn lid is just so damn small for a person that is 6'2"+ or larger size.  Hell, I'd even imagine the average person having a difficult time shitting and pissing in an airplane toilet at the same time.

Damn I didn't realize this chick lived on an airplane! :P Duly noted, however. I have been lucky so far in my travels in that I haven't had to go to the bathroom on an airplane before.

lol I know it is a poor example but it brings back nightmares when I remember I had the runs after leaving Dominican Republic on a plane.  I had to use that bathroom like 2-3 times and with the seat being so small I should have picked up some ball disease considering my junk was all up on that seat with me not being able to do much about it.