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The database is missing so much information it's not even funny. The NES had over 770 games released in the U.S. alone, let alone all of the Japanese exclussives. Go ahead, look here:

Really, this site doesn't have accurate numbers for even a single system that was released before the website was made. Not a single one. GG, the lowest on the initial list, has more than twice as many as cited here. Even the Neo Geo had more than 110 game releases, and people are just going to buy the concept that the GG had less than that? Go ahead, check:

There's basically nothing to compare here if the numbers are going to be that far off. I mean, the SNES sold more than 700 games in the U.S. alone, throw in the Japanese exlussives and, once again, you should have another system over 1000 like the NES. Feel free to check out the U.S. only list here:

You do not have the right to never be offended.