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wfz said:
MrBubbles said:
"but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.”

i agree with this position, in theory...but i really cant argue for it. the rape itself would be a great trauma for them to deal with, so i dont know how many women could deal with carrying the child even if its just going to be put up for adoption.

It's the way he is saying it. I would never refer to a fetus as a child, just like I wouldn't with a newly fertilized egg.


If only there was a way of measuring when they become self-conscious. In my opinion that's when abortion should not be acceptable anymore.

I like the line of when the heart starts beating, personally.


Also, the day-after pill, which is still effective up to around 72 hours after sex, works wonders at stopping unwanted pregnancies (particularly in the cases of rape where the woman wasn't necessarily prepared). I don't know why this pill is never spoken of in debates, though. 

That would still abort the child and the Republican is clearly against abortion. And the morning after pill is only guaranteed to work for the first 24 hours after sex, after that is drops by a huge amount and even more the day after.

As is pointed out earlier in the thread, I doubt the Republican meant there was a form of Legitimate rape, but merely different levels of it (like the drunken night instance already mentioned). Since I'm not Catholic, I clearly favour abortion.