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Mr Puggsly said:
KylieDog said:

Only Xbox Live SIlver should be compared to PSN. XBL Gold should be compared to PS Plus.

Free service vs free service. Premium service vs premium service.

OP isn't funny.

I wouldn't even compare that at all. If the 360 has exclusive content you really enjoy, it makes sense to pay for Live.

I mean c'mon people, you're complaining about something that doesn't even cost 20 cents a day.

The funny part about all the rah rah elitiest PSX fanboi's all up in arms is you know they WISH they had that kind of service.  I have both, have had both SINCE THE BEGINNING...have lived through many many many lagfests when the big games debut but i'd happily pay 60 to ms for the rest of my life for all the stuff sony couldn't provide without charging AT LEAST 60 if not more.  The ultimate reason why MS is so far ahead of Sony at least as far as online service...I don't think the Sony mindset gets it when it comes to providing online services.  Maybe its racist but I don't think the people in Japan understand why all the gaijin's pay 60 scrilla a year to the great Borg entitiy called Microsoft.  They certainly didn't get it with DS vs PSP and it sure looks like they screwed the pooch on 3DS vs Vita too.  Ever play lemmings?  They like follow each other even when you lead them over a high cliff.

Lastly, why are the people who complain the most about XBL either a> not subscribers b> have PSX emblems all over their profiles and/or major contributors to mostly pro PSX threads.  Ignorance is bliss I suppose.


-Mr Khan