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Kasz216 said:
richardhutnik said:

And I would say to live in such a state as this, where you are adversarial all the time, then you have a level of dysfunction.  If, in the face of a tragedy, your first reaction is to spin it politically, you are being less than human, and that is a sociopathic impulse.

Not really.  At least, not as would be defined by the DSM.  

Again another example, when your a cop, your first thought is about what the death means has nothing to do with the tragedy, but what it means.  You see a body, your running stuff through your mind.

Doesn't make you a sociopath. 

It just makes you desensitized... because your used to it.

You don't get hit by a wave of shock, because such deaths are normal.   Such a thing is going to happen to pretty much anyone in the media, who spins it or not... because your just used to this stuff.  You see enough violent images and it just doesn't produce that same physical reaction anymore.

I meant sociopathic as in socio (connection to society) and pathic (meaning negative).  In short, it is a mentality that doesn't foster positive connection to society.   In this, it ends up being a desensitizing and disconnecting, and a reduction of human suffering to things you don't connect to.  I would say a society that increasingly goes through this will become less humane.