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Kantor said:
Can you explain that picture? I don't get it.

Yes, through the whole Kony fiasco, but generally not in political discussions. Most of my friends seem to agree with me there (or at least, the vocal ones do).

Not sure how much of this you don't know, but it was a famous saying of the late Charlton Heston, when he was NRA president, that "you can pry it from my cold dead hands," regarding his guns. An arrogant statement, and one that i would consider especially dangerous, since it implies the revolt of gun-owners (borderline terroristic) so we have this statement from the forum of a gun sales website (e.g. the kind of place that profits from the spreading of such paranoia), and this bold proclamation of gun-love is the kind of thing that really bugs me (this cultural worship of guns being part of the problem with American culture), so i spoke out

I rarely do, just because i know it won't change any minds and will just make my friends/acquaintances mad at me, but sometimes you just have to intervene.

Another example was this meme that was floating around that had a sticky note on a gas pump (when gas was hovering around $3.85 for a while) that said "in January 2009, gas averaged 1.76 a gallon. How's that hope and change working out for you?" Which is such bullshit flying in the face of economics that i had to attack it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.