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I owned everything EXCEPT an Xbox last gen. All I know is that, when a game was multi-plat, the Xbox Version was always better than the Gamecube and PS2 version. Sometimes the PS2 version would beat out the Gamecube due to storage (Gamecube games would leave out entire levels, musical scores, cutscenes, extras, etc.) to fit the game onto those tiny discs. Sometimes the 'Cube would have the better version due to its raw power. The Xbox ALWAYS had the better version (except for MGS2, from what I've read.)

Anyway, the general consensus of the day was that the Xbox was the most powerful, the Gamecube was a close second and a little better at doing certain thins, and the PS2 was the most popular and quite capable in its own right. It all came down to what the developer was willing to put into the console. Despite the power, Xbox didn't have many companies willing to push the hardware to the limits like iD did with Doom 3.

Got plenty of Xbox 1 games, now (to play on my 360) and I admit that they look good. They just didn't have the "love" put into their creation like Zelda, Resident Evil 4, etc. and it shows.