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lilbroex said:
Jazz2K said:

I'm sorry but the Xbox was without a doubt the most powerful and it showed. Although GC could put really beautiful games it couldn't handle the best Xbox could offer. Framerates was better and jaggies were less apparent on Xbox. Also there was some particles effects not possible on other platforms and some blur effects. Everything was so smooth and like someone said they could output at a higher resolution.

Only on Xbox could you get graphics like these


Project Gotham 2



Rallisports Challenge 2







Ninja Gaiden Black




Kakuto Chojin



Conquer Live and Reloaded




Chronicles of Riddick



Some of the geometry on Xbox games weren't even possible on other platforms, games like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory had landscapes different from both GC and PS2 because they weren't powerful enough. Some lightning found in games like Doom, SC, Riddick couldn't be found in competitors games. Every multiplat games were far better on Xbox. There were impressive games like F-Zero GX on GC but nothing that could surpass the best Xbox had to offer... damn I even remember games like Burnout 4 which were simply stunning (IGN gave a better graphic score for the PS2 version simply because it was impressive for a PS2 title eventhough it wasn't on par with the Xbox version).

False. Don't post bullshots to someone who knows the score. Most of the geometry in Xbox games was extremely "FLAT" with bump mapped textures, and empty evironments.


All of the indentions on the armor are completely flat. They just look like they have depth because of the texture effects.



The xbox couldn't touch the GC when it came to pushing geometry. These surfaces aren't bump mapped on.


They tried to port this game to the Xbox but it couldnt handle it without sever downgrades so they scrapped it. On a technical level, this game pushed more last gen than any game on any console in existence. No other game on the GC, PS2, Xbox or Dreamcast technically outperfomed this.

This is what the developer tells you, who just signed an exclusive deal with Nintendo!

The spec-sheet does not lie. There is a reason games like Half-Life 2, Doom 3 or Riddick were not ported to the Gamecube. The GCN could not handle it. You come up with PR statement of one developer. Look at Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, it looked way better on 360 than on GCN / PS2.

They even had to chnage the levels, because the Gamecube could not handle these wider areas.

From IGN review of the GCN version:

"Gamers should know that once again the levels have been reworked from the Xbox version to accommodate the GameCube hardware. The larger environments have been broken down into more claustrophobic hallways and small rooms."

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...