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Ps3 said:

Everyone in the world would cut off their fingers for a Grammy, and anyone who says they wouldn't is just bitter they don't have one.

So, out of every person in the world, every single one of them belongs to one of those two groups? They either "would cut off their fingers for a Grammy" or they are "bitter they don't have one". At face value, this is a perfectly logical theory. However, after ample inspection via scientific inspection, I've discovered a discrepancy with your proposition.

What if there was a person who both A.) Would Not cut off their fingers for a Grammy, and B.) also owns a Grammy? This person obviously would not cut off their fingers for a Grammy since they already have a Grammy. So they don't fall into the first group. But this person also isn't bitter for not having a Grammy because they do have a Grammy. This person doesn't fall into the second group either.

Could such a creature even exist? And if so, would this creature even be human? Would such an organism be a threat to humanity? These are the questions we should be worried about. These are the creatures that could (potentially) destroy the fabric of our known universe.