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I notice that most of the Wii U venom on VGC is coming from (a small minority of) Sony fans, not so much MS fans.

I think the reason for that is, when you're favorite company is doing really poorly, people tend to unleash the FUD against a competing brand. I believe it was kowenicki that called these folks out in the Media Create thread for solely focusing on NSMB2 and 3DS numbers and completely ignoring Vita sales or that there was no Vita game in the top 30; deflection he called it.

Generally, during this gen, we saw the most Nintendo bashing when Wii was doing insane numbers and PS3 was still struggling. When PS3 came into its own and the Wii began to struggle, we still saw some mockery of Nintendo fans, but for the most part Nintendo-bashing tapered off.

Then the Wii U was announced and it was Wii bashing all over again.

Also, the fact that Nintendo games sell INSANE amounts illicits a great deal of jealousy.  Again, just my observation.


BOTTOM LINE: For the Nintendo hate to be pretty tame on VGChartz, Sony has to be either #1 or very competitive.