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Do we know how Communities will be implemented for Wii U? I'm not quite sure how Communities have been implemented in 3DS titles, but my imagination is telling me it could mean very awesome things for Wii U, and could be a huge differentiator for the console.

For example, if the console kept track of what games you own, and under each game you'd have the option to go to some sort of profile for that game, where you could rate it, right a review about it, chat about it with other players/owners in some sort of firmware based profile page. Imagine something like the ps3 and 360's apps, only the "app" you'd access would just be a profile page for the game in question, that includes all the things I mentioned above.  That's how I'm imagining a more robust Communities implementation on Wii U.

I've often thought about this while messing around on my ps3. Like, when I compare Trophies with someone, I think, why can't I rate a game right here on this list? Why can't I get an idea of how others feel about games they've played by looking at ratings like that? If I see a cool looking game on a friend's list, why can't I click on the icon and have it take me to a summary of the game, or give me the option to buy it on the store?

I wish, going forward, all games would have a page on the store, even if they're retail only, and that page should be accessible from the game icon when it's in your system, from it's trophy icon, when you see a friend playing the game in your friends list, and so on. That page would include ratings, reviews, summaries, etc.

I think Nintendo has a chance to do this with Communities, and it could really change the landscape of online gaming on consoles.

Steam already does some of this, with you being able to see what friends own a game you're looking at on the store, and allowing you to click through to various usage stats, like how long they've played it, how they rated it, if they reviewed it, what achievements they've gotten, etc.

For example, when I'm logged in and viewing the Shogun 2 page, without clicking anything I can see that 19 of my friends own it, two have reviewed and recommended it, how many achievements I've gotten, and some other stuff:

Nintendo has the capability to do that with Wii U, and it would put some serious pressure on Sony and Microsoft, especially if the basic service is free.