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Runa216 said:
SnakeDrake said:
Runa216 said:
so I got bored and checked out the Black Ops Declassified trailer a few more times, and I have to say...the hell is wrong with you people? it looks fine to me. Controls look fine, graphics look good, animations just as good as their console counterpart...the only thing BAD about it is that the gun shooting sounds are terrible. That's honestly it. Other than that, it's pretty much exactly Call of Duty.

While I'm certainly not saying you can't bag on Call of Duty, at least be consistent.

I'll be picking this up, for sure.

Thats the thing I wasn't a big fan to begin with (well after part 4), and the trailer didn't show my favourite thing in COD right now zombiess.

but I don't see people complaining about it lacking features, they complain about it looking terrible, they complain about the graphics and animations, they complain about...well, graphics and animations, both of which i think look good! 

I cant say for sure but I think they use the COD engine an engine that looks good 4 years ago.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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