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HideoK said:
@Dark Odin
Congrats on being the first to break 100 plats!

Ah, looks like you tied me again on Platinum points! I should have another 3 points next week if I can get people to challenge my scores in SSX as thats the biggest hurdle I have left with the badges. Anyone still playing SSX?

I have SSX... got it for 10 bucks a couple months ago, but it's as of yet unopened.  I just now played/finished FEAR 2 and started Far Cry 2.  Figured I'd attack a couple of my older entries in the backlog :P

HideoK said:
What are you playing lately?

Funny, I answered your question before I even saw this.

I did also recently finish the campaign in Twisted Metal... finished Spirit Tracks on the DS (awful, awful Zelda game) and started FF4 The After Years on PSP.