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happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:
the guy's quote is far less of a troll than the thread title would suggest.

what i got out of this is that customers will be compelled to buy a wii U because of the tablet and as such will expect games that utilize that tablet in a meaningful way. currently, the games being developed (announced) hardly use it. moving the equipment screen or having a touch screen button in place of a physical button doesn't really count because it doesn't actually innovate the gameplay.

he's not saying the gamepad can't be innovative, he's saying publishers aren't being innovative. from what i've seen announced so far i can hardly disagree. nintendoland seems to be the only game truly designed for the wii U.

So that's what he meant then when he said WiiU games "sucked". He means the devs did a poor job at using the tech. Hmm, I feel dumb not to have understood that from the start.

At the same time though, it really isn't a 400$ xbox that's late. Maybe the games we see for it right now give that impression, but we know it's much more capable. Also, there are many people who didn't play xbox360/PS3 games (Oni and I rounded that out to 20m Wiis exclusive to households), so the improved graphics and Nintendo brand name are enough to warrant a sale.

I see where he's coming from but on that I still disagree, the WiiU's gamepad doesn't make it or break it, the console in and of itself has a value: better graphics and a promising software ecosystem.

@full interview. I agree, everyone should read it it's very interesting.

i can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not but that is what i got out of it from reading the full context.  and sure there is value in the system without or without the gamepad - there are probably at least 15M people that would want one even if the only game that ever releases is NSMB wii U.  The power is obviously better too but much like xbox to ps2 or whatever ... if publishers make their games to a target specification.  if they treat wii U as a ps360 system as far as multiplats are conserned we'll not see that power flexed often.  it will be interesting to see when MSony announce their next gen consoles how much difference their is/isn't because right now that probably the single biggest influence still unknown for how publishers treat the wii U.