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SamuelRSmith said:
comawhite94 said:
A very interesting piece. I do think that there are many valid criticisms of the man and his policies. For one thing, if he values Ayn Rand so much, then why does he run for political office at all when Rand was opposed to the idea of government intervention. And how does Ryan defend himself as a staunch advocate of small government when he voted in favor of the Patriot Act, against repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, for a constitutional Amendment against gay marriage. How can he say he is a fiscal conservative when he voted for deficit spending when he voted for the war in Iraq in 2003?

The man is very well educated, very articulate, and is very good at giving a speech. But I think that until he addresses criticisms like these, it'll be hard for me to take him seriously.

Because he's none of those things. He's nothing more than a hardcore RINO... the difference with Ryan is that everybody falls for it.

I don't like the man's policies either, but I'd keep the name calling and ad hominem attacks to yourself. If you want to criticize someone, please do so, it's your right, but do so in an articulate manner with actual points and evidence. Don't just call him a name and expect anything good to come of it. 

Babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex and don't forget the violence. Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely stick your stupid slogan in. Everybody sing along.