Not bad for DQ10 and Wii, but expected them to be higher. NSMB2 sales are disappointing. I really hope digital sales are huge because it's starting to compare terribly to its bigger brother...
Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total
27th May 2006 1 910,297 N/A 910,297
03rd June 2006 2 336,052 -63.1% 1,246,349
10th June 2006 3 252,464 -24.9% 1,498,813
17th June 2006 4 207,043 -18.0% 1,705,856
24th June 2006 5 175,950 -15.0% 1,881,806
01st July 2006 6 159,027 -9.6% 2,040,833
08th July 2006 7 138,153 -13.1% 2,178,986
15th July 2006 8 123,890 -10.3% 2,302,876
22nd July 2006 9 150,153 21.2% 2,453,029
29th July 2006 10 119,420 -20.5% 2,572,449
Basically, NSMB FW > NSMB2 3 weeks of sales! Its amazing how the game kept selling 100k+ for 13 consecutive weeks!!!
Next week I think is Obon so everything should be up.