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Cobretti2 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Cobretti2 said:
darkknightkryta said:
pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
Cobretti2 said:
*Buy a PS3 game and get Vita version for free.


For two reasons:
1. It simply shows that Sony is treating the Vita as a portable home console.
2. What incentives have developers got to make games for VITA if you can buy a PS3 game and get a free one for your portable? Why would anyone buy a vita version of a game ever again lol.

That's exactly what I thought when I read that.

What I thought: FUCK YEAH!! More free games

Exactly, I already paid for the game, dafuq do I have to pay for it again just to play it on a handheld?

you are both missing the point.

If i get a free game on Vita with my PS3 purchase, what incentive do I have of buying exclusive VITA games that are essentially the same game but a minor spin off? All it will do is hurt game sales on VITA when everyone (including me) will take full advantage of the "free" vita versio

Your logic is full of fail, First off there isn't a Exclusive Vita game and a port of a console version at the same time.  So you incentive to buy an exclusive is because it's in fact exclusive. Your picking pepper out of fly shit.  What's your incentive to pay for the same exact game twice? That's the point not many will, plus it's like a Trojan horse. Ps3 owner are going to own vita games before they get one, it might push some people to go buy the system knowing they already have games they can play. 

OK let me explain what I am getting at.

For example, if I can get COD on ps3 and a free version for VITA, what is the point of me purchasing the one that is coming out when essentally it is the same game?Activition, EA, THQ all rely on milking their core franchises to earn a profit.

Therefore the publishers who are curently able to milk some extra money from me by offering a vita version will not be able to do that as I will see no point buying the spinoff. This will ultimately result in less software sales on VITA. There are people already on these forums complaining that $30 is too much for a game. So if they get a chance to play free games they will most liekly purchase far less then they would have before this annoucement.

From a gamers point of view yes it is fantastic as free game. From a Sony point of view yes it is fantastic as it will move hardware. But is it fantastic from an industry point of view when all we currently see is majority of companies posting QTR losses? Remember if these companies go bust who will make games for you?

Need to look at the bigger picture and not just yourself.

Your not getting it, your situation isn't going to happen. Activision isn't going to port Blop 2 and make declassified which is a vita exclusive. Your also forgetting this isn't forced. So if Activison  wants to make a port there's nothing that says they have to give it out for free. That fog cant really be that thick can it?