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Khuutra said:

You are combining the two critical errors of rudeness and intentional misunderstanding. THat and a ort of willful insistence that things are a certian way, therefore they are a certain way; that kidn of circular argument is impossible to go against.

The gameplay does not look like God of War's dial-a-combo system wherein there were a total of two combos you ever really needed. God of War was a primarily defensive title built around figuring out the moments of vulnerability where it was possible to stagger enemies, or where they could not stagger you - on higher difficulties rather than lwoer ones, granted, but it's stil lthere. Devil May Cry, this one and the classic ones, are not exactly like that. They are much more offense-oriented titles, as Bayonetta is, where if yo uare good you can remain on the offensive and never take a hit.

Devil May Cry's music is awful in all the iterations I've ever seen of it. This is continuing that trend.

I don't know what you're actually talking about with "the only character that has ever come close with an attitude." Do you mean the attitude of Dante? I get that you like Devil May Cry, but Dante himself is a ten-a-penny sort of bad-ass who's very common in bishounen manga and anime, taking more than a few pages from the likes of Hellsing's Alucard. There's nothing stand-out about him, because there doesn't have to be. He's not there ot be identified with, he's there to surf on missiles and do wicked lip tricks off a giant skull into a burning vagina. He's a terrible character, and that's great, and this Dante seems to be doing exactly the same stuff. That shit wit hthe ferris wheel? Pitch perfect.

I don't have to make a connection between the characters; the characters are just window dressing, and don't matter in the long run.

And you are being willfully obtuse in saying that "its ok that didi may cry is crap as long as it is better than another crap game". What I actually said was that this Devil May Cry is truer to the series than a game htat was actually in the series, which is saying quite a bit more.

But you have shown yourself to be willing to dismiss someone based primarily on disagreement alone, rather than on argument, so I will bow out. The last word on this argument, of course, is yours.

Donte seems to be dodgin most of the time and fitting your gow description. And you are teaming them up "this one and the classic ones" in an attempt to prove that they are alike ? Bayonetta and DMC are both skill based fast arcade styled action games. Simple as that, no platforming.

I don't care about your taste in music or music knowledge, but i doubt someone who has allegedly played DMC to the fullest doens't know about industrial. It's like someone in an attempt to defend Silent Hill Downpour is tryinig to talk down on Akira Yamaoka.

Alucard is a full fledged demon and actually a rather tragic character. He is laughing and acting above everything because that is all he can do as a demon. Read the damn manga. Garcia Hotspur is the only one that comes close in video games, as an absurd, one liner, offensive, macho protagonist. Video games, manga is different medium.  Donte is the star of a linkin park teenage fantasy story, who is "cool" and "noone understands him" and "society hates him".

Trish, Lady and Vergil are not window dressing. They kinda matter especially when they drive the story and the third battle between Dante and Vergil is only one of the greatest action battles in video games. Let's be honest you said something in zest about one of the most important elements in the games and you have nothing.

No, you said that Dontes game is a Western-made spiritual successor, that doesnt spell truer, that spells... nothing really.

Sorry, I think missed the part with the argument.