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Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

I beleive Ryan was accusing him of being twofaced for accusing him of wanting to cut medicare, when Obama himself cut Medicare.

Which brings up an interseting question is... why haven't you turned that round?  Afterall, Obama is accusing Paul Ryan of cutting Medicare, when he himself already did cut it.

I agree there should be a better plan then the Paul Ryan plan to cut the deficit.

The only problem is... nobody has a better plan.

There was Simpson-Bowles, but Obama disregarded it... and his counter plan was so inept, not even Erksine could get behind it.

And i mean, to show that he hasn't suddenly just jumped the Democratic band wagon...

So it's not like he still isn't steadly democratic.

He just recognizes that Paul Ryan so far is the only one to have come out with a solution outside of the Simpson Bowles commission, and is the only one taking the deficit serious... and because HE is taking it serious, for once he's not in "Rally behind the camp" mode.

It's often why I tend to defend republican candidates here, even though I've never actually voted for a Republican, and Mitt Romney is about last on my list of candidates I plan to vote for.

Republicans are adressing serious issues, that democrats want to ignore or even worse, make light of.

This isn't really true.

There's a fairly fleshed out alternative budget. I'm not a fan, but it's there. Obama ignores its existence.

It's a fleshed out alternative budget... but it's not a serious one.

It's why Obama, and Bowles for that matter ignore it.

The numbers for it say it saves money close to Ryans because the study they commisoned suggests

A) Ryan's economic plan would destroy US Economic Growth


B) The CPC plan would RAPDIDLY increase economic growth via job growth through the same policies, that haven't rapidly been increasing job growth.

Said study was given by the CPC to  a three team panel of young economists who happen to all belong to Liberal think tanks.


This is different in comparison to Simpson-Bowles, and Paul Ryans plan.  Which generally faced actual rigourus bi-partisan testing.

Paul Ryan's plan having done so because it's mostly from the Wyden-Ryan plan, Wyden being a Democrat.


Anyone can project a balanced budget if they get to pick their own GDP growth.


Obama has a fleshed out plan too.  It just doesn't save nearly as much as the ryan plan.  As Bowles points out.


Honestly, i'd perfer the country just inacts Simpson-Bowles and be done with it.   Sadly Obama always seems to charter these bi-partisian problem solving councils... then just completely ignore their results.